OMRI Listed Organics at neHydro

Posted by Sam on 18th Mar 2014

You may (or may not) have noticed the recent addition of an Organics (OMRI Listed) category on our website. So why should you care? For those growers looking to keep their crops organic, OMRI listing is the gold seal. Not all organic products are OMRI listed, but those that are listed have been tested extensively for contaminants and their production methods have been carefully scrutinized. The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is considered an authority on organic production, and is the first step toward becoming USDA Organic certified. Their goal, as stated on their website, “is to support the growth and trust of the global organic community through expert, independent and transparent verification of input materials, and through education and technical assistance.” In simpler terms, OMRI Listed products are guaranteed to be high-quality, pure, and truly organic. So checkout the new Organics Category to easily locate all of our great OMRI listed products.